We have a varied youth work in Struthers church Glasgow which includes a creche, Sunday school and bible class. The kids love all the different activities and events. See more in our announcements section for upcoming youth events.
Sunday 11 February 2024
Heather was one of the leaders on Sunday school this week. She told us "Today we looked at the story of Nicodemus from John chapter 3. The verse in the photo is this month's memory verse and the kids have learned it very easily.
Sunday youth work update 28 January 2024
Leah gave us this report of the bible class this morning. The Bible Class runs concurrently with the 11am Sunday morning service.
This morning the Bible Class (P7-S6) were looking at the word 'Reconciliation' as part of our 'Big Words' theme. We talked about famous pairs of enemies and the idea that man made himslef the enemy of God through his disobedience. But God never stopped reaching out to man, all through the Old Testament, culminating in the death of Christ through which we can be reconciled with God. We learnt that this isn't a temporary truce but an everlasting work that Jesus has done for us. We then enjoyed a Quizziz on general bible knowledge which was won by the boys! And as ever, we enjoyed some snack while working on a poster telling people ab out our big words project!
And then Jenny gave us an update on the Sunday School: In Sunday, Sunday school learnt about how God helps children. We played a scavenger hunt game to find doctors equipment and discussed how we can go to the doctor if we’re sick. We then heard about a boy in the Bible who Jesus healed when he was feeling sick. We learnt that Jesus cares about us, heals us and uses others to help us such as doctors. The children enjoyed a snack and some colouring. We finished by playing some games together. We had lots of fun! Coming up next month we are starting a verse of the month. Februarys verse is: [Jesus said] Come to me ... and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Upcoming youth events
As well as the ongoing young people's work on a Sunday morning, there are also a number of other events.
The Fire Conference this year is being held on the weekend of 16 February.
There will be an Easter egg hunt this year during the Sunday morning service of Easter Sunday. More to be announced on this soon!
Youth camp forms are also out, so young folks can get signed up for this year's camp in July.
Email us for more information regarding our youth work.
Switch Weekend at Compass Christian Centre
Last Friday 22 young people aged 10-16 from our churches across the central belt, as well as 8 youth workers, travelled up to Compass Christian Centre in Glenshee to spend the weekend there. We had an action packed time, with various activities including face painting, game challenges, raft building and nightline - a challenge of trust involving navigating through trees without sight! The theme of the weekend was 'Freedom' and we spent time exploring what the theme of Freedom in Christ means in our daily lives. We held a Bible study on the Saturday morning as well as services on the Saturday evening and Sunday morning where we learned more about how Christ has set us free to worship and serve Him with our whole lives. A highlight for many was the campfire after the Saturday evening meeting where we sat under a completely clear sky, far away from the light pollution of the city and gazed at the myriad of stars that our God has created. Everyone returned to Greenock on Sunday afternoon, exhausted but agreeing that it had been a very worthwhile weekend and we can't wait for the next one!
At church camp this year (August 2023) our bible class was studying the pslams. They got together and wrote their own psalm which is beautiful and is written below:
Switch Psalm (Switch is the name for our older youth group)
1God you are my God. Even when I feel doubtful, I know You love me.
2God you are my God. Even when I feel defeated and sickened by my sin I know You love me.
3God you are my God. Even when I feel scared and worried I know You love me and You are
always with me.
4God you are my God. Even when I feel down in the dumps and I’ve had a bad day and feel like
everyone hates me and pretends I don’t exist. I know deep down in my heart that You love me.
5God you are my only God. Even when I feel alone or sad I know that you love me as I am. God is
good and I trust Him because He is good. I appreciate Him and love Him because He made me.
6God you are my God, even when I doubt that. Even when I turn my back, you still love me and
welcome me back. God, I can always come back to you because You are faithful and never
forsake me. You have been with me all the days of my life. I praise You for Your mercy and
grace and I thank you because I don’t deserve this and I do not need to earn it.
7God is amazing and I trust in Him because He never lost faith in me.
8God is great and I trust Him because He is God and He can be trusted.
9God is great and I trust Him because He has always loved me and always will. All you need with
God is to believe and patience.
10God is caring and I trust Him because He is always in control.
11God is my shelter and stronghold. I trust Him because He is always with me.
12God is loving and I trust in Him because He is always by my side.
13I praise You for always being patient and kind and I thank you because You gave up Your Son
for me.
14I praise you for Your love and kindness. I thank You because You took my sin away
15My Lord is always good and I trust Him because He is with me even when it doesn’t feel like
16Lord God I will forever praise You for Your eternal love. I thank You for sending Jesus to die
on the cross, so that I may be with you in Your kingdom until the end of time.
17But why do I tremble? Why do I fear when the most High is on my side? The one who made
every rock in the valley, the sun, the moon, every atom and cosmos is on my team. I praise You
Lord of Hosts because You never gave up on my soul.